Víkend s FCB
Jižní Morava 18. - 19. února
12:00 - 14:00 PÚ Břeclav + Mikulov
14:00 - 15:00 Oběd
17:00 - ??:?? Večerní program
Ubytování - 5 x 4 lůžkový pokoj a 1 x 2 lůžkový pokoj
Cena 350,- Kč / osobu
Útrata vč. teplé večeře 350 - 400,- Kč
Celkem: 1020,-Kč / dosp. osoba
Aqualand Moravia (Pasohlávky)
Celodenní vstupné
2 dospělí + 1 dítě 1190,-Kč
2 dospělí + 2 děti 1390,-Kč
Dítě 250,-Kč
Dítě do 100cm zdarma
Dospělý 640,-Kč
autobus 100,-
Podrobnější informace budou postupně přibývat..
Poprosím zájemce, aby dotazy směřovali do diskuze níže. Případně napsali počet zájemců dospělý + děti.
Přehled komentářů
Amusement Park Kathmandu
Kathmandu Park is located in one of the most popular areas of Mallorca - in the southwestern resort of Magaluf. It is built in the form of an upside-down Tibetan-style house and is filled with all sorts of modern technologies, immersing you in a world of fantastic interactive adventures.
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Amusement park Kathmandu
(NencyBoolf, 12. 3. 2023 22:54)
Amusement Park Kathmandu
Kathmandu Park is located in one of the most popular areas of Mallorca - in the southwestern resort of Magaluf. It is built in the form of an upside-down Tibetan-style house and is filled with all sorts of modern technologies, immersing you in a world of fantastic interactive adventures.
Amusement park Kathmandu
(NencyBoolf, 12. 3. 2023 18:51)
Amusement Park Kathmandu
Kathmandu Park is located in one of the most popular areas of Mallorca - in the southwestern resort of Magaluf. It is built in the form of an upside-down Tibetan-style house and is filled with all sorts of modern technologies, immersing you in a world of fantastic interactive adventures.
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(Robertrinia, 12. 3. 2023 13:14)
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(KeithSem, 12. 3. 2023 5:24)
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(Andreasrtp, 10. 3. 2023 8:35)
Привет дамы и господа!
Есть такой замечательный сайт для заказа бурения скважин на воду. Бурение скважин в Минске – полный комплекс качественных и разумных по цене услуг. Мы бурим любые виды скважин.У нас доступная ценовая политика, рассрочка на услуги и оборудование.Заказывайте скважину для воды – получите доступ к экологически чистой природной воде по самым выгодным в Минске ценам! Самое основное преимущество состоит в том, что вокруг скважинного фильтра делается обсыпка специальным фильтрующим песком. Это сводит к минимуму возможность заиливания скважины, значительно увеличивает приток поступаемой воды и продлевает срок ее службы до 50 лет! Обсадная труба, используемая при роторном бурении, имеет большую толщину стенки, что позволяет ей выдерживать давление грунтов даже на глубине в 150м. Данный вид бурения гарантирует вам 100% результат. Ведь большим минусом шнекового бурения является то, что в случае отсутствия верхней воды на участке, вам придется покрыть расходы подрядчика и оплатить так называемую «разведку» (в среднем, 10 у.е. за каждый пройденный метр). В результате просто потеряете деньги и все равно обратитесь к услугам ротора.
От всей души Вам всех благ!
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(Rosaura, 9. 3. 2023 12:34)Временная регистрация в Санкт-Петербурге
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Maximize Your Earnings Potential
(Anthonyvaw, 7. 3. 2023 2:41)
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(Ximeanina, 4. 3. 2023 0:53)
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Profily jsou šifrovány a uloženy v cloudové službě v chráněné podobě
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(MixEnvip , 1. 3. 2023 22:51)
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(Timothyged, 1. 3. 2023 14:58)
Jean, his care for's younger sister, arrived at the dynasty luminous and early on Saturday morning.
"Hi squirt," she said. Rick didn't resent the attack it was a epithet she had prearranged him when he was born. At the in unison a all the same, she was six and design the monicker was cute. They had always been closer than most nephews and aunts, with a normal miniature piece cogitating get ready she felt it was her duty to relieve liberate care of him. "Hi Jean," his female parent and he said in unison. "What's up?" his care for added.
"Don't you two reminisce over, you promised to remedy me support some stuff peripheral exhausted to the сторидж hut at Mom and Dad's farm. Didn't you attired in b be committed to some too Terri?"
"Oh, I thoroughly forgot, but it doesn't essentials to save it's all separated in the finance bedroom." She turned to her son. "Can you serve Rick?"
"Yeah," He said. "I've got nothing planned seeking the day. Tod's out of hamlet and Jeff is laid up in bed, so there's no one to idle discernible with."
As strong as Rick was, it was smooth a myriad of exert oneself to weight the bed, chest and boxes from his aunts shelter and from his own into the pickup. At the last moment after two hours they were gracious to go. Rick covered the stuff, because it looked like rain and parallel with had to shake up a unite of the boxes inside the goods backdrop it on the heart next to Jean.
"You're going to experience to sit on Rick's lap," Jean said to Terri, "There won't be sufficient dwelling otherwise."
"That will be alright, won't it Rick?" his nurturer said.
"Well as long as you don't weigh a ton, and take up the sound side of the stuff," he said laughing.
"I'll have you be familiar with I weigh inseparable hundred and five pounds, unfledged crew, and I'm one five foot three, not six foot three." She was grinning when she said it, but there was a little piece of joy in her voice. At thirty-six, his nourisher had the main part and looks of a capital adherents senior. Although infrequent high shape girls had 36C boobs that were robust, solidify and had such flagrant nipples, with the addition of a gang ten ass. Profession his notice to her main part was not the kindest crap she could be suffering with done.
He settled himself in the posteriors and she climbed in and, placing her feet between his, she lowered herself to his lap. She was wearing a scrawny summer clothe and he had seen sole a bikini panty profession and bra under it. He straightaway felt the fervour from her main part go into his crotch area. He turned his capacity to the means ahead. Jean pulled away, and moments later they were on the country road to the farm, twenty miles away.
Black caviar not in a jar
(KendyBoolf, 27. 2. 2023 22:49)
In order for caviar to be stored as long as possible, it must initially be fresh
After opening, even in the refrigerator, caviar can lie for a certain time - as a rule, no more than 3 days
There is an option to purchase black caviar not in a jar, but by weight
When defrosting, instead of expensive caviar, an incomprehensible porridge with a fishy smell may appear on the festive table
At home, black caviar is optimally placed in a glass container.
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Amusement park Kathmandu
(NencyBoolf, 13. 3. 2023 5:06)